Thursday, February 19, 2009

What a week!

Embracing Web 2.0 is a lot more involved than it looks at first. So, not only am I building my first 2 websites (I will DEFINITELY outsource this in the future), but I am also now on Twitter and using Facebook AND Squidoo...this is tiring.

But, I have made a great amount of progress on my websites, I just need to finish. It's the old 80-20 rule in effect...80% of the work takes 20% of the time, the last 20% of work is a killer. Getting there, Friday will be busy.

Once I get my initial website push finished I NEED to get back to finding some properties to marketing has taken a back seat this week, so that needs to change in a hurry because I doubt someone will randomly knock on my door and beg me to take their property for a song. I don't think expecting that to happen will get me anywhere.